This is Elle at our vacation rental home just hours before she was admitted to the hospital for three days with RSV. Rob and I spent the weekend watching oxygen and heart-rate monitors, fighting Elle for control of the oxygen tube up her nose, administering breathing treatments, staying up most of each night, listening to her cry for whichever parent wasn't in the room, and just plain enduring the confinement of a small hospital room while the rest of the kids stayed in Midway with the grandparents equipped with plenty of games, food, cousins, and fun. It worked out just right.
Grateful for:
confidence that Elle would be fine in a few days' time
the fact that the hospital is not a second home for any member of our family
the fact that this overnight stay was the first we've ever had (minus childbirth) with any of our kids
Rob and his availability
health insurance
Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Meme for watching the rest of our kids on their vacation
A follow-up visit revealed a double ear infection, but with antibiotics, she is good as new.
Don't you just want to smooch that sweet forehead of hers?!