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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back to School, 2013–14

Cam, 2nd grade 
(thank you, thank you for letting me dress you in colored jeans! it's an Elle craving)

Cy, 5th grade
Looks like a tween to me.

He's just making sure we know who we're dealing with.

Running to the bus stop
(our tramp is out of commission for a couple weeks)

Getty, 8th grade
Always "on." Not one to disappoint.

Mia, Junior
"Oooo! I look so pretty!" (She's always been good at that positive self-talk ;)

Here we go!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cy's 11th

Court Grip. What every 11-yr-old boy wants (?)

I don't think we have enough giant bears around the house...

Granny's gift. For sleeping...

For bouncing...

Our awesome friend with his awesome pool invited us to have the pool to ourselves that night.
Rob and Cy played a lot of basketball games, like shooting while underwater...

11 Reasons I Love You, Cy

1. You are not only skilled at sports, you work very hard
2. You are almost always in a great mood
3. You love to talk to people
4. You have tons of energy
5. You make sure no one gets left out
6. You are a loyal friend
7. You can hang with the high school athletes and hold your own
8. You are confident
9. You work diligently toward your goals
10. You take care of business at school on your own
11. You have crazy focus and tenacity

You are and will always be our number one first round draft pick.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mia: "Best Summer of My Life"

For one thing...

...MK's back for the summer :)

Date to the set of Rob's all-time favorite movie.
They met the cast, took a swing at the plate, and watched the movie outdoors on the field after dark.
Date with Alec to Tsunami (shaved ice) and Elle's grave

24th of July fireworks at 3-story park (with Jaxson and Nate)
Provo river rafting with Tyson, Aubrey, Brock, David, Calvin, and Bo

Caravan to Mona to rope swing

Then back to Mona with a different crew.

Bridge jumping in Lehi. Physical complaint of the day: "I'm so warm that I'm freezing!"

J Boog concert with Tatum, Alema, and Joel

Brad Paisley concert with Conner

(You had to be blond to be in this pic, right?)

Alpine Days parade

Ya, parades are fun like that...
Kid Cudi concert (MK has a big crush on the kid in front, right side)


AVP with Dad, Grandpa, and Cy. Cy said Rob got mauled by his volleyball peeps.

As summer days got fewer and fewer, Mia warned me not to mention the 'S' word." (School)

Ready or not... ;)

First Day of School with Olivia

Black light dance after the first football game

Panorama of the LP Football Maroon and Gold Scrimmage with Olivia and Nick

Mia is the far right flyer. Can you believe that sunset? It really was that beautiful.

School's not so bad after all.