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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Le Weekend

Al slept over a couple of nights, and of course they played Tramp Ball: what Cy and friends do day in and day out...

Cam decided he needed some attitude in his do.
And Cy's not one to miss out on the cool factor.

Tramp sleep out with MK, Cam, and Cy.

Looking coiffed after doing baptisms at the temple, ha. But check out Getty's Strawberry Dasani! He chose it himself at the gas station. It's healthy, it's un-caffeinated, it's un-carbonated, it's unprecedented!

Sunday visitors

On Sunday, Mahdi, recovered from his 13th leg surgery in 3 years, made us an authentic Afghan dinner of lamb and Basmati rice and vegetables. Why is he so awesome?

MK is definitely concerned with something I'm doing...?

Getty saved me :)

Monday, June 13, 2016

MK at 22

Mock Hobo wallet. It took her three years to decide it was worth getting. #Rob'sdaughter
She told me a month ago as we wandered around a nursery looking at flowers for the porch for Mother's Day that she dreams of owning a nursery one day. That she gets chills and euphoric at the local Tulip Festival. Would not have guessed that!
So, she got flowers instead of balloons.

So lately...

MK stopped by cousin Emma's soccer tournament 
while she was in St. George with friends

In April, she competed in the "Best of the Best" Utah, Idaho, Colorado Women's indoor soccer tournament. 

...And was awarded tournament MVP (She scored a total of 10 goals in the final two games of the tournament, holy cow...)

I won't post the nasty picture we took of her tonsils. She wanted to go back to work, so she wore this all day...

BYU Intramural semi-finals at BYU's IPF

...these are my quality phone photos from that night...


The ref called one of our goals back, and we lost 3 to 4 :( ("We" meaning MK and her team, of course. They did all the hustling, while I was sat on the sidelines chewing my hair.)

"Lunch" at Roxberry before she headed out to work...

Worth mentioning... she and Besser finally came to an understanding about the nature of their relationship. 
No romance, just love.

And, she just found out she made the Utah REAL Women's Soccer team! That girl. 

Excitement to come...

Monday, June 6, 2016

Rob Is 48

My favorite Coach Evans. Apparently Getty had better things to do than show up for the team pic ;)

For his 48th, we walked in from dinner and a movie ("Risen") to find a floor full of balloons and a crowd of kids waiting to wish him a Happy Birthday

Reza made this beautiful leather bag for Rob.
Love that kid.

48 Reasons I Love Rob...
Ha! ok, so I won't go into all that. I'll just say he's the sunshine and clear skies in our day, the problem-solver, the big easy, everyone's favorite.