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Sunday, November 2, 2008


You know how moms ask their kids about their day after school? Mia either won't answer, or she'll mumble something unintelligible... four, five, six times, until you stop repeating the question. Is it some sort of control issue? She doesn't want anyone to suggest what she talks or thinks about? Well, I don't know about that, wanting to be in charge just seems so out of character for our meek, timid Mia-Bomb, don't you think? 
So, now she gets in the car, and I completely ignore her. Works like a charm. Now who's in charge?Heh, heh, heh...

Mia recently filled out a journal/album she got for her 12th birthday (thanks, 2nd cousin Sara!), and these were some of her comments: My talents: "being bossy and having the record of going to time-out the most in one day." My favorite memories of my family: "Dad always tooting, Mom always saying, 'Thanks for not arguing' [can you hear the sarcasm?], MK spanking people, Getty talking in his high-pitched voice, Cy humming or singing, Cam smiling or laughing, Elle eating." What I like about Mom: "I like it when my mom is normal, which never happens. Also when she says yes."


Hacking Highlights said...

That is hilarious. I laughed out loud on that one. Made my day. I told Scott I need to go to therapy to learn to deal with our kids. Looks like you might need to join me. Funny Funny!!

Marianne said...

What IS normal for a mom, anyway? Maybe the 'normal' Mom is the yelling crazy wildhaired one, while the 'abnormal' mom is the calm and nurturing one. Hmmm, that's something to think about...:)

Unknown said...

I love Mia. I am glad she is enjoying the journal/album and is using it!!!! Cool. She rocks.

Brit H. said...

She is a crack up. I am so glad that you have kids older than mine, so that you can give me all of the answers when I get where you are. Wow. That was a run-on sentence AND I am writing to an editor for heaven sakes!