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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tag: Ten Favourites!

Been tagged by Sarah the Brit Wit. She calls them: Favourites!

Top 10 Favourite TV shows:
1. Jon & Kate Plus Eight (Thanks, Jen! She does have great and practical ideas!)
2. BYU Devotional
3. BYU Education Week
4. KBYU Conference report 
5. KBYU Total Body Workout
6. Kids by the Dozen (they ALL [that I've seen] home-school and build their own homes by hand!)
7. What Not to Wear (DVR, FF to the last couple of segments)
8. Dr. Phil (watched 10 mins. of it last night—it was the first time in about 6 months! Where are my priorities!?!)
9. King of Queens with Hubs
10. Law & Order with Hubs

Ten Things I Did Yesterday
1. "Total Body Workout" with Cam and Cy
2. Drove Cy to kindergarten and later picked up the 3 Mids from elementary. Dropped them off at the house, and went back for MK at middle school.
3. Drove in the blizzard to AF Rec. center to sign Mia up for basketball and then to the bank to make a deposit.
4. Drove to grocery store for dinner ingredients (I never do this—it's against my principles of efficiency and proper prior planning [blah, blah, blah])
5. Drove carpool to and from scouts. (Are you seeing a pattern here?)
6. Drove MK to YW and picked up Mia from b-ball practice. Singin', "I love my dang Suburban, espesh'ly when I'm in it!"
7. Gazed lovingly at the falling snow (I'm not in charge of snow blowing)
8. Made food and cleaned house
9. Read some scrips
10. Snuggled with Hubs in the Cuddlebag for two hours
All's well that ends well!

Top Ten Favourite Restaurants
1. Zupa's (Lobster Bisque)
2. Epic (incred signature Pear Gorgonzola salad)
3. Wingers (Sticky-finger salad) (For me, the restaurant is synonymous with what I eat there. I never vary. Variety may be the spice of life, but predictability is my bread and butter.)
4. BOYCOTTING Chili's! (They dropped my all-time favorite meal—Caribbean salad—from the menu. Unforgivable.)
5. Tuscany (pork chops and garlic mashed with Mile-high chocolate cake for dessert)
6. Los Hermanos (combo burrito)
7. Sampan (General Taos chicken and Shrimp Lo Mein)
8. The Pie (Pepperoni and Root Beer)
9. Jamba Juice (Cardio-something or other)
10. Training Table (cheese fries and salad)

Ten Things on My Wish List
1. Hubs would stop FREAKING OUT about the ECONOMY
2. Puddin' would give me kisses on demand. (Ok, let's be reasonable... that she would give me even ONE kiss at some point, preferably before her 2nd birthday.)
3. I could memorize all the scriptures, cover to cover, and all Conference talks. When I hear the truth, it changes my life, my heart, my attitude. Forgetting is my problem. 
4. A photographic memory in general would be great
5. I could dance like my girls
6. Mia's hair
7. MK's outgoing, fun-loving way with people.
8. Mary Poppins would pop-in to demonstrate to the kids that cleaning is all about sugar and magic!
9. Someone would fix me a super-nutritious (and yummy) lunch every day, because I'll tell you what—I'm not goin' to all that effort. (I get overwhelmed easily when it comes to food prep.)
10. Someone would follow me around the house, pat me on the back, and say, "Wow. You are just a super amazing person. Look at you go! Have I mentioned how remarkable you look in your ponytail and sweats? Quite stunning, really...."  

I tag all interested bloggies! Ready... set... GO!


Hacking Highlights said...

That was very entertaining. I loved the top ten wish list! And I'm dreading being in the car running errands that much when my kids get older. I hibernate in the house now so I don't have to shop with a toddler and a 3 year old.

Marianne said...

Oh Lorenne! I think you are amazing! I still use all your recipes, and techniques that you taught me. If I could follow you around the house everyday, I would! I'm sure you'd teach me a thing or two. No kidding! I liked all your top tens!

Brit H. said...

Awesome. Just awesome. Oh and I really would follow you around telling you how great you are, just give me the chance.

Actually, we could do it in trade. You come over and clean & organize my house, and I will watch you and follow you around, telling you how amazing you are. Deal?

Unknown said...

I have always thought that you were a super amazing person Lorenne! :) Hope all is well with you and your cute family.

Unknown said...

Lorenne!!!! I just love your fun lighthearted writing style. I have to admit though that reading your lists did want to make me do mine over again! Yours were so good and righteous and fun. And 'OH MY GOSH!' How many things do you do in a day????!!! i feel like such a slacker. i had a struggle coming up with ten remotely interesting things that I did. Rubbish - I think I need to sort my life out.

Heather said...

You are a super amazing person, Lorenne! Great lists.