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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reporting for Duty

“Cub scout leader. Just kill me now.” I believe those were my first words to Rob after receiving my new calling. I would rather be Gospel Doctrine teacher. Are you kidding me?

It was all my fault. I was trying to simplify my life. I considered dropping the scouting program from my radar. I mean, I’m already on top of Getty for chores, homework, and football schedules—how could I add more tasks to our relationship? I decided it had to go, or Rob would have to take over. Good plan. Rob was an Eagle Scout. If it’s important to him, he’ll do it. If not, we’ll drop it. Getty will still attend, but I won’t worry about the specifics. I’m simplifying, right?

I actually prayed for confirmation that my approach was “satisfactory” (because I knew it wasn’t Celestial). Not a day later, I was called into the Bishop’s office and released from my favorite calling, Relief Society teacher (teach once every other month—that’s why it’s my favorite), and called into scouts. Not only that, but the 2nd counselor emphasized three things I would need to commit to as a leader, “Testimony (check), Time (cringe), and TENURE (what the—),” which means I’m in cub scouts until retirement (or thereabouts).

Well, looking at the bright side now, and there is one, I’m very happy to be spending this time with Getty before he becomes a deacon and the men and manly things begin to overtake his life. I have God’s permission to leave my responsibilities at home and have fun (tying knots?) with my boy. I’ll get out of my comfort zone—that’s always good, right? I’ll learn more about boy stuff, which may come in handy. And, I like the leaders I’m working with—two new friends. See? I turned it around. Yay me!  


Shelley said...

Ha ha...that's my calling right now too and I still haven't figured out how to look at the positive side of it all. (Is there one?) I don't think I would mind so much if one of my boys was actually IN Cub Scouts. But they just complicate the whole thing even more. Good luck and try to have fun! :)

Mandee said...

I have a feeling I will be doing time in scouts as soon as Max comes of age. I'm not looking forward to it- but I appreciate your positivity! Go Lorenne!

Jen V said...

I will def be calling you for ideas - Jack's a 'Tiger Cub' this year and hubs volunteered me to be the Den Leader - I said "you must think I have nothing else to do" he recovered well and said "I only volunteered you b/c you are so organized and capable" Nice.

Now to figure out what to do with my girls during meetings:(

Crystal said...

You'll do great, just like you do with everything. Have fun!

Linda Barton said...

At least you look hot in the uniform! I only got released when I got pregnant with Tyler. (just an idea)

Heather said...

That was my calling last year and I loved it! (I thought it was a calling for men... I was wrong!) You will learn a lot, go to the Pow Wows and everything- it's helped me be a better mom!

Carrie said...

Lorenne, you make scouting look good. Have fun. I have had two callings that when I was called I looked at the Bishopric member as if they were talking Greek, I think I even asked one if they were serious. Anyway,they turned out to be my absolute favorite calling.

Marianne said...

You're awesome Lorenne. I know you will commit to this calling and make it your own!

Jacqui said...

Oh, I see that calling in my future...give me about six years. With only one son, it's bound to happen!

Have fun bonding via knot tying!!! :) Just wait, you may be a convert yet. Lol