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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mama Mia

Mia wanted to go see "Warrior" on her Momma Monday night. It's all about MMA cage fighting. Hmmmm... really? Whatever happened to shopping and a Sticky Finger Salad at Winger's?

We were two of maybe fifteen in the audience, most of which were teenage boys.
Oh, now I get it :)

Of course, the teenage boys loved the fight scenes and all, but I couldn't believe it when I heard them behind us whisper, "Wow, the power of family. That was the best scene in the movie." And in another scene, "That almost made me cry." Seriously. Boys are just marshmallows underneath all that testosterone and gore. Awesome.

On the way home, Mia asked me, "So, what if you are attracted to the wrong kind of guy? You can't help who you fall in love with..." (So glad you asked!) We talked about how attraction comes easy and is fickle. That "falling in love" is really about finding someone you can really love, respect, and live with. I love when stuff like that comes up.

And Mia, thanks for opening me up to the world of Mixed Martial Arts. I'd shield my eyes and munch popcorn with you any day. You're the best!

1 comment:

Jen V said...

You are such a good Mom! If one of my teenagers asked to go see that movie I'd say NO WAY! To have to sit through that would be unbearable! I can hardly bring myself to sit through animated movies with my kids let alone MMA movies:)