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Monday, June 11, 2012

Mia Is Permitted

Took the Learner's Permit test.

Took it again.

"Come back another day."

Six months (and lots of studying later),
took the test.

Failed. Yes she did.

Threw a Hail Mary pass and paid to take the test again. Thirty out of fifty questions into it, she realizes she has NO CLUE and decides to just fill in blanks randomly, reminding herself how mad Mom is going to be. Then she presses "Submit" and waits for the red "You Failed" to appear on the screen.

Imagine her surprise :)

"Mom, I can't tell you how happy I am that I passed!! Everyone who passes the first time just doesn't get it!"

(Hmmm, I think they get it... :)
Should we really allow her to get behind the wheel?!...


Linda Barton said...

just tell Mia that if it were easy, everyone would do it...oh wait...

Alli said...

Congrats! WOW, I'm really nervous for my test in a couple months!! :D