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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Briner Reunion in Cali

Shopping at the skate shops

Mia got picked up on by this Ninja Turtle
Stacks Pancake house was awesome! Yummy coconut syrup :)
Getty's 13th birthday at Ninja Turtle's grandpa's Mexican restaurant.

An ear infection for Cam...
This is what happens when Mom is distracted.

Knott's Berry Farm
Aunt Megan and Uncle Scott PDA
 Grandpa Doug with Cam
A break for dinner at Cheesecake Factory

Giant Swings

Getty skim boarding

Sand castles with the cousins

Leaving our beach camp

I love this pic of Avery in all her glory ;) Britt says she makes a point of wearing her sunglasses high above her ears—a trendsetter
Getty showing MK the ropes

Cam's birthday celebration at Chilis, "What?? How did they know it's my birthday??"

Mia met up with Ninja Turtle at the beach.

Dinner with the adults by the pier:
[l to r] Patrick & Jen, Doug & Mom, Nate & Morgan, Craig & Britt, Rob & me, Scott & Megan

Raging Waters was packed, but the kids had fun.

This is a locals' surf beach that we had no business being at. We sat in a line of cars waiting for cars to leave the beach—one car leaves; one car proceeds to the beach. Cam got cut up by the rocks in the first 5 minutes.

Update: Ninja Turtle moved to Utah last month and drove from Payson with his grandpa to see Mia. I'm not sayin' he moved to Utah for Mia, but um.... ;)

1 comment:

Jen V said...

NT MOVED to Utah! Crazy!!

Also - there isn't a single picture of my kids!! We were flying under the radar I guess:) Good thing I took tons of pics - I'll have to post my pics for you to see:)