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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween, 2012

Cam and I decided to decorate the chalkboard. He drew all of the kids in their costumes up top on the left (Elle's the ghost :), and then gave me instructions to draw eyeballs in the hot cocoa, a cat on his broom, etc.

Trent and Getty jumped when they saw Cam for the first time, and Cam couldn't stop laughing. Mission accomplished.

Getty walked around on risers all day at school and scared the bejeebies out of as many cute girls as possible.

Mia had a memorable Halloween—full of mischief and intrigue.
Cy and TJ grabbed their pillowcases and hit three different neighborhoods.
Halloween in Hawaii

The sunset looks orange here, but it was a beautiful pink, and it made me think of Elle. I biked to her grave the day before and wondered what her costume would've been this yearI thought, She'd probably want to be "matchers" with her best friend. That night Sienna arrived on my porch in a witch costume, so I mentally dressed Elle up as a witch and did my heart a favor.
I see you, Elle!


Jenni said...

Wow, Cam looks awesome! Great costumes. And I'm sure Elle made the cutest "Heavenly Witch" there ever was. :)

Jacqui said...

I have a feeling there is more to the story of 'mischief and intrigue.':) I am grateful Elle showed you she is thinking of you through the pink sunset.