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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break, 2013

April Fool's on April 2nd and "dinner" for breakfast. Now, that's an April Fool's joke (—at least that's what I told myself. I was making it up as I went).
The kids always pretend they don't notice that the "chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes and gravy" are really donut holes and ice cream with caramel sauce. And they always "drink" the green "Kool-Aid" (Jell-O).

I appreciate their efforts ;)
For Spring Break, Rob was tied up with work, Mia had plans to hike the Y with her girls' rugby team, and Getty got asked to go to Coronado with his friend's family. So, I decided to head to St. George with Cam and Cy and meet up with some of their favorite cousins.

"Evil" Cam exulting in his wicked success?

Slumber party in the family room. Megan said the next morning, "Did you know Cy rolls (violently) back and forth through the night?!" Since birth. Sorry about that. Should've warned E-town. Not a lot of sleep going on there that first night.

Meanwhile, I get a call at 1:37 a.m. I panic and answer the phone. It's a police officer.

You can imagine how my brain exploded in those few seconds.

The officer stated that my daughter Mia was out past curfew, had a passenger (Ella) out past curfew, was driving without her license in the car, and her rear license plate light was out. He tried to impress on my mind the gravity of the situation. He really tried. He even reminded me that it was a school night (Spring Break, remember?), but I was just too darn relieved. Especially when I heard Rob's/Mia's explanation.

Mia and Ella (who was sleeping over) had come home at 11:15 for their 11:30 p.m. curfew, but Rob had inadvertently locked them out and then promptly fell into a coma. No amount of door banging or text messaging (or calls from police officers) could revive him. This came as no surprise to me. The girls went to a friend's house to pass the time and were driving home when they got pulled over.

Still, it took me over an hour to chill out enough to get back to sleep.

Pool games, starting at 8:30 a.m. Cam (or whoever's "It") calls out soda flavors, sports, colors, or whatever. When he calls out your flavor, swim like crazy. He can peek, so swim silently.

If "It" sees you, he jumps in and tries to tag you before you reach the opposite side.
TruBerry fruit bowls for the adults, and...

... (virtual) Nielsen's Frozen Custard for the kids. Again, pretending for our sakes. Those kids.

Back at the ranch, Mia was Go-karting, bowling, and shopping the outlets, and Rob was making his famous malts for the rugby boys.
Making sushi

St. George temple grounds.

Our last day, with a four-hour drive ahead of me and only 5 hours of sleep the night before, I felt pretty awesome about drinking a huge Dirty (coconut) Dr. Pepper on our way out of town. Who can resist watching the newest ESPN "30 for 30"? Lots of people, I guess. Not me. It was the story of Michigan's Fab Five basketball team, and I had watched it til 3:00 a.m.
Hot pots on the way home.
The scenery was just awesome.
Is Cy standing on the ground or on air?

And that's how Spring Break went down this year.

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

I hope you weren't completely naked outside again....they can see you from space, you know.