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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Not done blogging

I haven't posted much lately. I was wondering if maybe I was done blogging and then I was swept away by life in the meantime. But, the other day, I realized the role blogging plays in my life.

Beyond processing Elle's death this past year, I blog the good stuff, and the stuff that makes me laugh at myself, Rob, and the kids. I think without the blog, I would forget or overlook or take for granted the positive stuff that happens and instead focus on the problems. Mommy blogs are famous (or infamous) for showcasing the "best of" and failing to mention the underside. But, there are solid reasons for this, which I respect and adhere to. The most important reason, in my mind, is that it's not fair to my kids or my husband to broadcast their personal shortcomings or mistakes. Their stories are not mine to tell without their permission. I could tell you all of my shortcomings and mistakes, but I'm not aware of any.   Ha!

So, even though I cringe thinking that the image the blog portrays does not represent the whole reality of our family life, I can appreciate that blogging the "best of" helps me keep things in perspective. It balances out the crazy hard phases along with the more mundane daily challenges that come with raising a family. It makes me grateful. I recognize the blessings. And it preserves some of the best memories of our family's life together.

Plus, when I'm old and looking back on our family life, I'll be so proud of myself and think I was such an awesome mom. Who needs reality? ;)

1 comment:

Jen V said...

I'm so glad you've decided to continue blogging!! Sometimes I feel like it's my only lifeline to your family. Seeing the pictures of the kids growing up so fast - getting to know your daily stuff - makes me feel like I'm not so far away.

I know everyone has stopped blogging. I mean EVERYONE. But I continue to blog, just as you do - for the same reasons. To keep a record of things that go on in our lives that would otherwise be forgotten if I didn't write them down. Not sugar coating things or only reporting the good things for appearance sake, but documenting the small things that are good and that make us happy, and that make us grow and that don't mean anything to anyone else but us.

I kind of feel like I'm cheating when I blog. I don't have to journal or scrapbook, I can quickly explain what is going on without having to edit myself or have things be perfect or have to worry whether that picture would really be scrapbook worthy. That's it. I'm still blogging and I'm so glad that you are too.

Miss you too much!