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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Break, 2013

One of the many patients living on borrowed time thanks to our cardiologist, Scott, insisted that we all stay in his huge second home on the St. George cliffs. The great room on both floors had a wall of windows overlooking St. George, and the view was amazing.

When we were "home," there were ongoing sting pong and ping pong tournaments with the cousins, Cat & Mouse, Whoonu, and chess, plus Getty's magic tricks.

In the indoor/outdoor pool, the kids played Fugitive, Outer Space, Cops & Robbers, Pass, and Colors.
We ran the treadmill in the work out facility or walked the hills, and I got to have a long phone conversation with MK about life and the future high above the city.

Bella Marie's pizzeria. Yummmm.

Mia and Ireland shared a room and looked like this most of the time we stayed in St George...
At night, we watched movies and did masks

Friday, Rob took Mia and Getty to the St. George temple to do Baptisms for the dead.

Saturday morning, some of us ate Bear Paw's signature dish (thick French toast stuffed with chocolate brulee) and my favorite ever hot Belgian chocolate for breakfast, then we headed for what our friends call the Crevice on the opposite red cliffs.

"Rob, you are NOT going through the Crevice!..."

 "Wha—? Why?..."
(just because last time I got stuck and the buttons popped off my shirt as I tried to shimmy precariously through the narrows doesn't necessarily mean I can't tempt fate again....)
The view looking up from inside the crevice.

Getty was in his element, 'sploring like the wild monkey he is...

The peak

Sweaty and hot, we stopped by Swig afterward for a dirty Dr. Pepper and a Mango Mtn Dew.

I bet Getty that caffeine hypes the hyper in him, and we'll just see about that... and if I'm right, then he can only have one Mtn Dew a month, and if I'm wrong (not a chance ;), I won't bother him again about caffeine. Soon after swigging his 32 oz., Getty burst into a full-on laugh attack... gotcha, Get.

He claims the trip was just too much fun....

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