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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cy Haps

Warming up at the LV tournament, Coach sent this text home:  "A young boy named Landon was at the gym.... He had a scar on top of his head ear-to-ear showing a surgery he had. Our boys became friends with him and his older brother. We played a quick game with them, and I was so proud of our team. They were so kind, giving fives and feeding him the ball. It was the best part of this trip and something our boys will remember...."


Guest player at Park City soccer tournament, 2nd place.

Alpine Days 4-on-4 soccer tournament. After their bracket play, the boys challenged the 16-yr-olds, because they were pretty sure they were that good. Ha! It morphed into some kind of rugby soccer. The teenagers picked up the boys and carried them as they dribbled downfield, our boys caught throw-ins with their hands, dog-piled in front of the goal....

End-of-season rugby swim party for the "Cheagles," bahahahaha

This little dog couldn't stop licking Rob's legs...

Four-friend Salute as we pulled up to Cy's friend's house to play

May the odds be ever in your favor

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