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Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Christmas Break that Wasn't

Not a lot of sipping hot cocoa in front of the fire watching the snow fall. I put up so much decor it looked like Christmas exploded in our house. I promised myself I'd never have more than one tree, but with Elle's Festival of Trees "Drama Queen" replica and my own mini "Princess" Elle tree, I basically have no choice in the matter, right? Next year, maybe I'll just put up the trees.

The day after Christmas, both M&M got their wisdom teeth out, which meant meds and changing out ice packs every three hours, day and night, for 48 hours and beyond. 



MK, tears streaming down her face, kept asking to see where Dad's car was on the freeway as he followed us. She bawled as she pointed out to Mia that her head wrap was green and Mia's was red, "like Christmas." She often reassured me with sign language that she wasn't sad at all (between sobs). 

Mia just sat whimpering. Then laughing. Then started crying because she wanted to "swallow so hard!!" ... and told me she felt normal. When Rob put her in her seatbelt, she asked him "Why are you being so mean??"

M&M both regressed about 15 years, so I got to baby them... 
a couple days of that cured me.

Then Getty got sick. Then Mia got sick. Mia never gets sick. She often thinks she's sick and even yearns to be sick. But this time it was for real, and I was on call once again.

Rob worked a ton during the break—printers broke down while jobs came flooding in. I snuck up on him late one night with the camera flash as he walked in from work. 
(He's used to his celebrity status around here.)

At least the kids had fun...

 On Sundays they set up fun stuff to do with the family like black light Ping Pong

and "Pong Ping" with my lazy susan turntable

... while Cam and I watched "Mary Poppins." 

Getty's new Stadium slide entrance doubled as a platform for King of the Hill

For Besser's birthday, MK and accomplices Luis and Skyler kidnapped and blindfolded Besser, drove him around in circles, and then led him down our backyard path to the basement black light dance surprise party. 

Since he was turning 21, they had root "beer" and Martinelli's Sparkling Cider in plastic mini "shot" cups with pizzas and a sheet cake.

Soon after Besser's birthday, we headed to Midway for one last weekend of fun with the family. When MK left for Hawaii, the late-night parties died down, and I packed up all the Christmas decor. 

And now...  for that long winter's nap.

ya right

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