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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Elle's 3rd Angel Day

"Elle Day" on the 4th

(also Cam's pajama day, so he wore a pink arm band)

Elle's Angel day on the 8th with the Briner side

 Rob decided to stay home and be mad, but he's okay.

"Some days we seem to be managing pretty well, confident we can face the future. There are other days—and nights—when we feel utterly abandoned, left in a dark room alone, when the universe seems a vast and unfriendly place. It is hard to remember that we ever felt another way, or believe we'll ever feel better again.... Does it help to know that over the centuries this despair has been shared by many, that even in this desolation we have the company of saints and pilgrims, a myriad of fellow sufferers? For even as our pain is particular to us alone, even as our loved one was unique in all the world, perhaps we can rest back—just a little—on the knowledge that multitudes in the human family have walked where we walk. 

"While there are things we can do to be ready for a brighter time—get enough rest, eat properly, read, pray, talk with people—the prevailing wisdom seems to be that such dark nights are simply to be endured, waited out. They will not last forever. And one day—perhaps as a surprise—we will realize the cloud has lifted."

Excerpt from "Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief" 
~Martha Whitmore Hickman

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

What a fun way to honor her. I love the pink milk :)