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Sunday, May 10, 2015

College Grad

Phi Kappa Phi. "Milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate—
it was meant to be! Thanks for the support sistas, much love."

You got your four-year degree in three and graduated Summa Cum Laude. 
Who knew you'd be so ambitious in hang-loose Hawaii?

Best friend Sarah (and roommie for the last two years)

At age 4 you dubbed yourself Kunkihauna—a half kooky, half Hawaiian-sounding name. It's been your name in my phone for years. Maybe back then something told you you'd be an Islander one day (and a kook).

Kayla (teammate)



Brando and Abe (and a friend of theirs)

(There's a graduate under there...)


As you were announced at the graduation ceremony, you "raised the roof," because that's what you do wherever you go.

I finally got to see where you've been living for the past two years (top floor, right) on Kamehameha Hwy. 

"So Kenz, how many people live here?" 


You lived with 5 other girls in one of the upper floor furnished apartments at $425/mo. The main floor apartment housed 5 more girls at $450/mo. In addition, the house included two studio apartments, one on the top floor and one on the main, which housed 4 residents each at $400/mo. 

So, Dad did the math. Monthly rental income = $8,000. Times that by 12 months (because you paid through the summer even when you came back home to the mainland). Total yearly rental income from one property = $96,000.

Here's a better look at your couch...

The bedroom you shared with Sarah

Soccer mates: Bailey, Smem (Emily), and Katallie (Katie)

I've overheard you a few times describe leaving college life in Hawaii as bittersweet. Later, I asked you what you meant: 

"At a certain point, you can't really progress anymore, and I had kinda hit that point,... but I loved it so much."

So proud of you, Kunk.

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