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Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Card, 2015

We sent out 2 versions of Christmas cards this year: my and the boys' favorite (above), and Rob's and the girls' favorite (below). 

I tried to do a brief update but had writer's block. Off the cuff I would say: 

Rob is back to his hyper self (yay!)

MK (21) is graduated, working as an "exercise specialist" at an ortho specialty hospital, and dating a bunch but with no serious prospects—and my favorite but not hers, Cade (CADE!), got engaged :(:(  

Mia (19) loves college and being the uber boss of her own life, loves doing homework, and loves her customer service job

Getty (16) rides camels at night, films scary movies in haunted shacks, and is a data processing/programming wizard

Cy (13) plans to be the coolest former NBA All-star elementary school teacher with a hoop in the classroom and grading based on correct answers, but really, shot percentages

Cam (10) is the Mr. Rogers in our lives. I even bought him a button-down sweater. I couldn't help it.

Well, that was easy enough....

1 comment:

Kersten said...

love you guys! It looks like you had a great Christmas!