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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Getty Terror

Sweet as pie

and then he does things like this:

[text to a friend. He claims some was exaggerated and 
some was made-up for effect]

"Average Wednesday night: went to the [middle school] concert and ended up shooting hoops with a cup full of pop into a trashcan from a story up. Then hijacked the janitors whip and drifted with it. Then we got tape for Jake's cold feet and trapped the doors so we could come back later. Then we rode camels and got some pics with em. And the farmer came with his truck and was shining his brights on us so we mobbed out of there so fast, we hopped barb wire and ripped our pants then hopped in the cars and flew out of there. Then we went back to the school and snuck in and the janitor chased us around the school. So we sprinted upstairs then wrapped around him and got outta there!! And he started following us in his car so we drifted into the church parking lot and jumped the entrance while people getting out of mutual watched us with a mad dog face. So we got away from there. Then went to this sketchy haunted shack with horses around it and checked it out. Then after we came out someone or something screamed so we hopped the fence and booked it to the junction and picked up our free drinks thanks to a dope cash register chick. Then we went to the H's house and doorbell ditched him 3 times and they had dogs chase us and were threatening to scratch our truck cuz they saw it outside and said they would call the cops. We got the truck out of there the back way so we got in Ashdon's car and ran and on the way down saw 2 cops waiting there but they didn't stop us cuz they were looking for the white truck so we all met up at Smith's and chilled."

Hmmmmm. Should I be concerned? Because I am. 

This is how he walks out the door for school half the time...

another day...

Wouldn't let me get a decent "first shave" photo. He did it in the car just like his dad...

Walking on thin ice... as usual :)

Christmas presents from Bekah and Erin

wait for it.. wait for it...

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