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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Reza and Friends

Back in December, Reza asked if we could host a birthday party for one of his little friends, Noz.

For Christmas, we invited them back over for an open house. Several neighbors took the opportunity to donate to these refugees who are trying to make it in America, all without husbands and fathers here to support them. We invited our neighbors to the open house to meet them and have goodies. I was stunned at their generosity. 
Reza told us he and his friends would feel uncomfortable receiving money and gifts from strangers and asked if the neighbors could give any gifts to Rob, and then Rob could distribute them. So, that's what we did.

One of the 19-year-old boys provides and cares for his two younger brothers in this strange new country while learning a new language and culture far from their parents and home. A 20-year-old boy is the sole provider for his four younger siblings who live back in his home country, orphaned by Taliban murders.

I swear they've been blessed with increased capacity and divine help. No way can I imagine doing what they have done... and at 19! They are mature beyond their years in many ways (but not all! 😉)


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