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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hawaii I, 2018

Spray on tan,  
...which I finally accepted I'm allergic to and maybe I shouldn't do that anymore!

Love Rob's "blond" scruff

First views of Oahu

Waimanalo/Sherwoods Beach with Hackings

Ethan's bear paw and the poor crab

Getty, Mia, and MK flew in the next day. Getty got sick on the flight and was miserable and SO bummed that he was in Hawaii in that condition. On the third night, he asked Rob to give him a priesthood blessing 🙌 and Rob blessed him that he would recover quickly. He threw up a couple more times, fell asleep for the night and woke up all better 👍

Sunset beach

Instagram posing... 😂


Rob had a hard time relaxing on this trip and was always off getting more equipment (flippers, boards, goggles, etc.) so he could feel that the family was getting the very most out of this big vacation 💖 He also was the first one up and made breakfast to order for all 13 of us every morning. I think he sat down on the beach for about 3 minutes total that trip... and here they are 👇

Playing "Last Man Standing"

Impromptu p.m. workout

  and morning workouts in the Pavilion overlooking the ocean...

...walks along the beach with Rob and finding rope swings along the way

Target run

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