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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sixteen Is Sweet

Taken at Cy's 12th birthday...
[left to right] Cameron is now 6'7" and plays Varsity b-ball, cousin Ethan plays JV football, Alvin moved back East to be near his brother Frank (who plays for the Pelicans), Will skis and skates and has been dubbed part of the "Gnar clinic," Romney plays QB and b-ball with Cy on the LP sophomore team, Taylor moved to a rival school and plays against Cy, Eli plays linebacker and is Cy says "a player";), we'll cover Cy in this post, and Aaron is playing JV basketball. 

16th birthday. New crew for pick-up ball...

Sutton, Nick, Aaron, Cy, Britton, Romney, and L.J. 
L.J.'s the only one not playing high school basketball with these guys, but he's a great matchup for Cy's other talent, socializing.

A gas card and a message to go out to the garage...

Dad got the Ranger a new paint job, tires and rims, a bull bar, and a new stereo system.

Dinner at Chilis

Getty's showing us his straw

Cy shooting spit wads at Getty

Mom is wondering who raised these hooligans

And Cy's already got a girlfriend!

Love you, Cy!

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