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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Airing Dirty Laundry

During the de-clutter, guess how many smelly socks I found at the foot of Getty’s bed under his covers? Just take a wild guess. Did you guess 26? You’d be right. Getty could never find socks to wear, so I just kept running to Target to buy a pack. What I want to know is who’s in charge of changing his sheets for crying out loud?! (Is this the kind of info I should just keep to myself?)


Hacking Highlights said...

Go ahead and air that dirty laundry! It makes the rest of us feel better that the perfect people aren't always perfect!!

Brit H. said...

26! TWENTY SIX??? Ha ha ha. That is hilarious!

Jacqui said...

I love it! I know it's been a couple of months since the kids have had thier sheets washed (the girls, anyway. Definitely NOT Ethan. He's every other day, I swear!). What a great socks story!