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Saturday, June 14, 2008


OK. About McKenzie's cell phone. Rob thought it would be a good idea to call it a "family" phone instead of "McKenzie's" phone, not unlike a third "family" car should MK get use of one around her 16th birthday. Ownership would imply that no one else could use "McKenzie's" car and that Mia, Getty, etc. would all get their own cars at age 16. I'm imagining 8 cars at the house. So... we don't know exactly how a "family" phone works, because McKenzie's the only one who is old enough to have a phone. But the idea is that if Mia or Getty ever occasionally had a legitimate need for a phone when McKenzie didn't need it (NEVER), then they could have limited access to it. ANYwho, back to the subject—Mia. If you know Mia at all, you may have guessed that she makes a point to refer to the phone as "the FAMILY phone" twenty or thirty times a day with full-on Mia "attitude" to McKenzie's face with her hand stretched out in expectation. O how we love our Mia.

1 comment:

Brit H. said...

When I was reading this post, I could hear MIA's voice saying that, attitude and all, before I even read what you had written. haha.