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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December What-not

Christmas Decor: got this idea from Liz and her fabulous Christmas House: hang ornaments (and some ribbon) on a chandelier (of course, she also added beautiful garland, candy-canes, ...) but, it's a simple idea. And festive. And I like it. No?
Plus, I've officially decided to collect Santa's to decorate my house for the holidays. I'm starting with my Bowl-game Santa, Patriotic Santa (doubles as Uncle Sam for the Fourth :), moon-shaped Santa on a pedestal (probably my favorite), a stoic carved Santa, a traditional red-robed toy-bearing Santa, a woodland Santa, and a fancy Father Christmas. Anyways...
Check out the packages we got from our over-the-top Home Teacher. A Christmas storybook and CD, a Book of Mormon puzzle, a family tree, and a "Families are Forever" large, bronze clock. (He said we could open them on Family Night.)

Rob's going to give his families some chocolate-covered pretzels... :)


Linda Barton said...

I love santa's I collect them too. The light, ribbon, ornament idea is really cute! Good job you!

Jen V said...

I started collecting Santa's right around when Jack was born - I LOVE them!! They are so fun to collect b/c there are so many variations - and then there are always the 'theme Santas' like my soccer santa, my fishing santa and my skiing santa - now I just need to find a cooking santa!!