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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lunch at Liz's

The Mom's decided to get the low-down on whose curfew is when and which parents are the meanest, so we pow-wowed during lunch at Liz's "Christmas House" with our "Fab Five."
I'm mean, Liz is mean, Sue is mean, Laurie is mean, and Sarah is a sweetheart.
So anyway, Liz puts up a full-size, fully decorated Christmas tree in every room in her house: kitchen, family room, living room, dining room, all bedrooms, office.... ! Each one has a theme: the Snowman tree, the Gingerbread tree, K's Black-and-White Velvet Slipper and Crystal Chandelier tree, the Nativity tree, the Golf tree.... Their large gray cat, Smokey, climbs up the trees and perches 6 inches from the top. It's creepy. You gotta love that.
Next, the fuzzy sock exchange. Socks could only be traded twice. It started with the girls wrestling around on the floor and got feisty from there.
(Forgot my camera!)


Jen V said...

No dish? LOL
Carla has a full size tree in every single room in the house - she even has 3 ft trees in her bathrooms! Seriously. And just like Liz, each has a theme.
Every December we go to a charity brunch for Pete's church. We all meet over at Carla's before hand to 'take the tour' of Christmasland. It's pretty insane:)

Jen V said...

It would be fun to put up - but considering that all my Christmas deco, tree and storage boxes have taken over Patrick's office - the take down would be too much for me!

Linda Barton said...

I'd always rather be the mean mom. Jared told me that one of his most profound moments in life was when I told him that I wasn't here to be his friend but to get him back to Heavenly Father. It took me by surprise, I said, "I hope you still like me a little, but that's not my my main priority." He said he liked me a little :)