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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Best Christmas Gift

Rob decided for Christmas this year (-er last year) and every year hereafter to publish the year's blog (this year, he published the entire history of the blog thus far—3 years). It's just about impossible for him to keep gifts a secret, but he kept that one and only told me, "I'll never be able to top this one." He was right. I can't think of a gift that would top printing the history of our life together as a family in a full-color, hard-bound family book full of our stories.

So now, since I'm officially a published author (haha), I want to record the purpose of this blog, so I can refer back if I ever lose sight of it. First and foremost, I want to record a journal for my children and grandchildren of our family's life together. I want to record the humor and the individual personalities. I also want to write about life lessons and testimony. I want to talk about ideas (mostly that I've adopted from others) that have worked for our family or that have added value in raising our kids. I want to record the frustrations, too. I want the blog to enlarge my memory of these crazy-happy years. The best years (so far) of my life. I hope it can become a resource of perspective, inspiration, laughter, experience, and family bonding. (Dream big, right?)


Jacqui said...

Wow, SERIOUS points for Rob! What an incredibly thoughtful gift. I agree, there's no topping that one.

Do you know what company he used to publish it? I need to do mine.

Mia said...

Jacqui, he used and was really happy with it.
Also, I can't access your blog—will you "reinstate" me? I would love that. Thanks!

Jacqui said...

Thanks! And I just went public again. I know, I am a weirdo. I get all freaky about being so much "out there" and then figure, what the heck?! ;)