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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Finishing "the Zone" in the Basement

Start date: February 1 
Projected finish: March 15
(That's 6 weeks. We'll see about that....)


Elle's "E" pillar

Construction finish date: May 7
13.5 weeks. 
Oh well, it's done!

These are the chairs that were supposed to deliver in one week and actually took four months. 
 Decor finish date: August 9 

Favorite decor: Archie Moore's signed picture and boxing trunks. He was Grandpere's boxing mentor and a father figure to him. 

Grandma's British contribution to the Zone

The Graffiti room is now the "Stadium" but remains, you know, a graffiti room. 

 Longest post in the queue: 6 + months!


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Looks great!

Jill said...

I LOVE the bike you have hanging on your wall. Where did you get it? Great basement

Mia said...

I got the bike at Smiths Marketplace!