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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I call 'em Brown & Whites

Sandwiches. One slice wheat, one white. One day I decided to try to sneak the wheat slice under Cam and Elle's sandwiches, but they caught on immediately. I called them Brown & Whites and served them in a lunch basket anyway. And, much to my surprise, they went for it. I counted it as a fluke.
So, today at lunchtime, Cam says, "We want Brown & Whites."
I'm going into shock. Need to lie down with a warm blanket over me. Ahhhh.


Linda Barton said...

you are smart....and a little sneaky. I knew I liked you!

Jen V said...

When we moved here (2 1/2 years ago!) we switched to all whole grain bread (no Grandma Sycamore's here) BUT b/c I bought OROWHEAT Healthnut & now buy OROWHEAT 12 or 7 Grain (b/c of nut allergies) the kids never complained. I get them at Costco to save some $. I am telling you - if you serve either of those - your kids will never bug you for white bread again.