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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cy Is Official

Ordained a Deacon

Robert Cy's line of Aaronic priesthood authority:

(Lines of authority are determined by the Melchizedek Priesthood office the officiator held at the time he performed the ordination)

Ordained by his father, a high priest, Rawlin Robert

who was ordained by his father, a high priest, Rawlin A.
who was ordained by the apostle Alvin Rulon Dyer
who was ordained by the apostle David Oman McKay
who was ordained by the apostle Joseph Fielding Smith
who was ordained by the apostle Brigham Young
who was ordained by the Three Witnesses: Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Marin Harris
who were ordained by the apostle Joseph Smith, Jr.
who was ordained by visitation of John the Baptist
who was ordained by the Savior during His earthly ministry

Pretty awesome. 

Three generations of the Priesthood

I'm a lucky girl