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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My 45th

Not one of my best days, I have to say. Started out with Cam's meltdown over Pokemon cards and went from there. I've repressed the rest ;) All I wanted for my birthday was for Rob and I to take the boys to the temple to do baptisms. This would be Cy's first time. So, that night we changed into church clothes and headed to the temple only to find that its maintenance closure was extended for another week or two.... 


After persuading the boys (and Rob) that we could just drive to another temple, we arrived at the second temple to find that a large ward youth group had just arrived and were lined all the way down the stairs ahead of us. 

What to do.

We took a picture in front of the temple and left for home.


I resigned myself to watching a movie in the basement. 
About 10:30 at night, I get this text:

It amazes me how small things like that can turn your day right-side up. (Have I told you, Kenz, how much I love your boy? No pressure... haha)

A few days later, I decided the best time to do baptisms in our highly-populated Mormon county would be during school. It was a tough sell, but the boys were willing to leave their studies.... 

Rob officiated, but the rest of us have wet hair in this pic. 

It's not fair, is it girls?

In related news, Rob and Getty got a special home teaching assignment to visit five ladies at the Developmental Center. They are all between the ages of 50 and 70. Four are blind, and three are both deaf and blind. They all have severe mental handicaps. They like their shoulders rubbed and one who can see some light likes people to wave their fingers above her eyes. Getty spent time with her by her window making shadows with his fingers. It made her so happy that the nurses giggled.

Getty's excited about the VIP passes they get to wear :)

Rob said, "That Sunday [when we visit] is at least one day every month that I won't complain about... anything."

So, cancel the complaints about my 45th birthday. 
I have so much to be grateful for. 

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

You are the best example of never giving up. I love that about you!