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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Video Games and Volumizing Products

Getty, Cy, and Cam have just about driven me over the edge with their fixation for video gaming. Screen time is still one hour in my book, but many times they finagle their way around it (like by setting their alarms for 6 a.m. to play for an hour before school. Not allowed! But am I up at 6 a.m. to shut that down? I think we all know the answer to that one.) They also talk incessantly about the new games they want, what you can do with the new technology, their latest feats of skill, what level they are on…. I should care, right? And I pretend to. But enough is enough already. Finally I took Getty by the shoulders and said, “Getty—I’m a GIRL. I don’t care about video games. I’m SO BORED by now. Do you want me to tell you all about my hair products and makeup?! Because I can tell you that I love my new hairspray that volumizes the hair strand and doesn’t weigh it down and also keeps some shape to the curl, and that Biotin I’m taking is improving my hair texture and strength and life cycle and my nails are getting that goodness too and… and… and....” He burst out laughing.

P.S. I went militant and announced video gaming allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays ONLY. The strange thing is, aside from a minor initial meltdown and Cam's on-going grieving process, I haven't heard much about it. They must be in the planning stages of a coup d'etat ("a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a [parent])" haha


Linda Barton said...

hmmm..what if make up and hair products were only allowed tues thurs and sat? just sayin..... good luck with that, I don't have the will power to stick with that.

Mia said...

Good point—I just might be addicted to my hairspray and waterproof mascara! haha

Muriel said...

OK, I've been a lurker (I'm friends with your sister Jen) for a while, but now I'm commenting because I could have written this post. I have instituted the "No-Screens Days" in my house before and I need to do it again. It seems the older they get, the more that 30 minutes at a time isn't good enough. My boys go to bed reading video game manuals and wake up talking about which level they want to beat and why. I am going to try talking about my favorite hair and makeup products when they start going on and on to me. ;) Too funny!

Jacqui said...

Ha. Love your response. McQueen will get up early and sneak down to play the Wii. I, of course, am still snoozing away. We go through bouts where we unplug it and hide the entire machine. He laments for awhile, and then moves on. Of course, he would cut off his right leg to have a brother to bond with over Mario Kart and Lego Starwars. Instead he has a mean mom who hides his happiness and forces him outside to bond with nature!

Winter, however, is another story. I like your Tues/Thurs/Saturday.
We did only Saturdays for awhile and it worked well, for the most part. Of course, he really begged to play at his other friend's houses who had NICE moms!