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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Beat This

I allowed my boys to make a "potion" (not that they asked me, but I saw what they were doing and didn't interfere) of Elmer's glue and neon green food coloring. They were on the back porch. Fine. Somehow they decided the best place to continue their experiment was in the garage on the black doormat (you know, where you wipe your feet before you come into the house). The entire potion spilled (of course) but wasn't exactly visible as it was absorbed into the black mat. Guess how many sets of shoes went through the spill and into the house before anyone noticed the neon green goopy footprints all over the house? Did you guess four? You would be right. GLUE ... (ponder that for a sec) and NEON ... (pondering?) green footprints all over the house. Beat it. That was yesterday. All I'm doing today is cleaning up pee. My 3-year-old has been night potty trained for about 7 months now, so he's only wetting the bed every other night since we've moved. It wasn't his pee, it was my 6-year-old who actually peed the bed twice in one night and left the soaking wet boxers and pajamas on the carpet. So, I'm just washing his sheets and comforter and two sets of pajamas and two boxers and the carpet. That's all I'm doing right now.


Hacking Highlights said...

Love that! That was a good laugh! Ahhhh...the torture of being a mother. It's always nice to hinge on the brink of sanity because your kids are kids.

Brit H. said...

Oh man. What a day. I LOVE that pic of GET though!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love potions! How totally cool is that, glue and food colouring! Your boys are amazing, i just love them!!!!!!! And I love love LOVE that picture, I never knew you had witch doctors living in your house!!!! Sorry you had to deal with such a mess but you will love the memories when you look back on it, i'm sure!!!!!!! ;)