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Friday, December 26, 2008

M&M's Christmas Eve Rap

The Evans fam consists of Cam
Who is just a boy hopin' for a toy (and puzzles—ya, ya)
The youngest one, looks like a ton
She shows her chub while she's loungin' in da tub
That's Elle!
Next is Getty standin' 4 feet tall. He always bawls, 
But it's ok 'cause he's GETTY
Then there's Cy, just a plain old guy, 
He hollas in the back and loves his school pack. 
M&M are next in line
They love to dine (on Christmas Eve, on Christmas Eve)
They sometimes fight, but that's alright—
'Cause they're M&M!
M&D aka Mom and Dad
First there's Dad who's a good ol' lad 
And Mom who is just da bomb.
That's the Evans fam
We don't care whatcha think,
Yes Ma'am!
We're outta here...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Toothie Faire Trauma

Is your face supposed to turn green when you lose a tooth?

Saturday Morning Push-up Contest in the Bathroom


Rob: Home sick.
MK: At school.
Mia: Woke us in the night with heartburn. Now at school.
Getty: Woke us throwing up throughout the night. Missed school.
Cy: Jumped off the balcony (pictured below) onto the couch cushion (pictured below) and missed it. Can't walk on either of his feet. Missed school.
Cam: Wet his bed.
Elle: Blow-out morning diaper.
Me: I signed up for this. Rock on.

She Walks!

So dang cute. 

Meg, Brit, Jen—guess who's hiding under the blanket. Yep.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Calling All Christmas Trees

Capital idea, Marianne! This is a shout out to post your Christmas tree or favorite holiday decor.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Begging me to go down the waterslide and accusing me of not wanting to ruin my hair—the hair that was in a messy bun and hiding under a baseball cap—that hair. I did the slide thing, and Sly was satisfied.

Begging for food. Lunch. A snack. Anything edible. Read their lips, "Snaaaaaack!" To which I say, "Take a few gulps of water, duh!"

Fear Is Fun

Sly, PG, and a corpse anticipating a tsunami.

The tsunami.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Deer Friends,

Like the new blog template? Here are a couple pics of the real deal, our backyard neighbors, for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WF Ram

So, these are the rules for "WF Ram." Intimidate the opposing team with various posturing techniques. Hightail it down the hall leap-frog style. Turn around, grab your partner by the feet and wheelbarrow back down the hall. Book it back down the other way by piggyback. And for the final stretch, grab a big pillow and ram your way past your opponents to the finish line. 

It's somethin' to do. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Let Me Count the Ways

Cam: I love you moon and back.
Me: I love you to the moon and back.
Cam: I love you finity and beyon.
Me: I love you infinity and beyond.
Cam: I love you to the stars.
Me: Thanks, dude.
Cam: [Giggles]

Repeated a hundred times...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Role Reversal

Baby Girl makes crashing and growling noises with her killer whale, while Big Brother plays "house" with his mommy and baby dinosaurs.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Morning Routine

Get the big kids off to school, munch on some cold cereal, and watch for Doe, Ray, and Mi, the deer family who visit the forest out back.

Studying for MBA in the peace and quiet

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Twelve months of lovin' on this mug

Puddin's Number One Birthday!

So, we'd baked two bundt cakes and eaten three batches of cookies in the last two weeks, so Elle didn't even get a birthday cake today. But she got plenty of gifts. Oh ya, no gifts either. I didn't think she'd notice, but judging from the look on her face, I'm never gonna live this one down.

Triple Threat

Getty started out Halloween morning saying stubbornly, "I'm not dressing up for school." We made a $5 bet that everyone in his class would be dressed up. He changed into his clone trooper costume and had me paint his face. (I lost the bet—Conner owes me $5!). When we all went trunk-or-treating that night, Getty changed into a skeleton costume and insisted on staying in the trunk to scare all the little Disney characters who dared ask for a treat. MK and Mia climbed aboard after they were done running the parking lot and kindly offered candy to the toddlers and such, which sent Getty through the roof, "All I wanted was to scare kids, and YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Howling ensues. Afterwords, the big kids decided to hit up the neighborhood in the rain. This required a third makeover, a Geek costume. Nine gallons of candy later, Halloween is over. Better start planning wardrobe for next year....


Here are the rules: 
Answer the following questions with one word only. Then pass it on to others.
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Brown
4. Your mother? Changed
5. Your father? Missed
6. Your favorite thing? Home
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten
8. Your dream/goal? Perfection
9. The room you're in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Reading
11. Your fear? Fear
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
13. Where were you last night? Temple
14. What you're not? Gourmet
15. One of your wish-list items? Baby?
16. The last thing you did? Homework
17. Where you grew up? BYU
18. What are you wearing? Levi's
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? None :)
21. Your computer? Fun
22. Your mood? Content
23. Missing someone? Yep
24. Your car? Burb
25. Something you're not wearing? Polish
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? Life-changing
28. Love someone? Eternally
29. Favorite color? Red
30. When was the last time you laughed? Mia
31. Last time you cried? Neighbor
32. Music? Boccelli

I pass this on to:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sparkling Cherries

Mia's new crew. They call themselves the "Sparkling Cherries." Makes me laugh.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's Candice up to now?

Cam has a new imaginary friend named Candice. He talks about her at certain opportune times, like for instance, the other day Cam said, "You're a butt!" Mia scolded him, "Cam! We don't say 'butt!'" He replied, "That was my friend, Candice. She say 'butt.' I don't say 'butt.'" One day I asked him what Candice looked like. He said, "Just pink."

NTB, but I am her mom...

MK was dubbed "Evans Almighty" at her soccer banquet for her "great speed and ability to take down players twice her size."


You know how moms ask their kids about their day after school? Mia either won't answer, or she'll mumble something unintelligible... four, five, six times, until you stop repeating the question. Is it some sort of control issue? She doesn't want anyone to suggest what she talks or thinks about? Well, I don't know about that, wanting to be in charge just seems so out of character for our meek, timid Mia-Bomb, don't you think? 
So, now she gets in the car, and I completely ignore her. Works like a charm. Now who's in charge?Heh, heh, heh...

Mia recently filled out a journal/album she got for her 12th birthday (thanks, 2nd cousin Sara!), and these were some of her comments: My talents: "being bossy and having the record of going to time-out the most in one day." My favorite memories of my family: "Dad always tooting, Mom always saying, 'Thanks for not arguing' [can you hear the sarcasm?], MK spanking people, Getty talking in his high-pitched voice, Cy humming or singing, Cam smiling or laughing, Elle eating." What I like about Mom: "I like it when my mom is normal, which never happens. Also when she says yes."

A Prayer Full of Thanks

I was inspired by a great Relief Society lesson today on gratitude to only give thanks in our family prayers for the entire month of November and to reserve asking for favors and blessings for individual prayers. We tried it tonight in family prayer, and I was surprised at the difference it made. I realized our family has not been in the habit of giving much thought or appreciation in our prayers for our blessings. We're also challenging ourselves to not repeat what was said in previous prayers. Amen!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

"Mom, do you want to know why I didn't get mad when I couldn't play with friends?... I wanted to feel the spirit." 

Comfort Food

See that red tag on Puddin's blankey? Apparently it has magical sleep-inducing qualities and tastes just right when combined with a thumb. She traces her fingers along the blanket edges until she finds it, then pops her thumb in and rolls onto her side. Ahhhh. 


Don't they all look thrilled?

Okay, MK does.