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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


1. M&M arguing as soon as I am conscious in the morning.

2. Elle doing her famous “shake the living daylights out of her milk-filled bottle soaking the carpet” trick. 

3. Getty putting on the same purple and grey striped t-shirt and jeans every morning for school. Sometimes I notice, sometimes I don't (not a morning person). When I ask him to put on clean clothes he puts on another shirt he's already worn in the last couple of days and which is lying on the floor. He changes a 3rd time into a t-shirt he fished out of his dirty clothes hamper. Does he HAVE clean clothes? How about a selection of suitable t-shirts and shorts? The answer is he has far too many clean shirts in his drawers. All he needs is ONE, as long as it's dirty. That's his point. And my point is this also MAKES ME MAD! (okay, frustrated)

4. Ziplock packaging #@*&@!!!

5. "Leakproof" sipper cups. What a set-up.

Done for now.


Brit H. said...

Ha Ha. I am digging the anger journal. It is good to know that sometimes things hit the fan at the Evans house. I love those kids though. They are so awesome. The pic of the G-man is so cute too.

Hacking Highlights said...

So funny! I have a mental anger journal. I'm too afraid to voice my thoughts sometimes. I'm with you on the leaky sippy cups. Spill-proof, yeah right!

Jen V said...

Ahhhh... you crack me up!
Know what makes me mad? Here we go:
It makes me mad that Mom's aren't immune to illness! (You hear that!) I swear I have appendicitis - only I can't get into the freakin' hick doc here until next week!
It makes me mad that I spend so much time teaching my kids about things like politeness and forgiveness - only to be outsmarted by the world at large.
It makes me mad that every single time Patrick goes out of town, at least 1 if not 2 kids are up all night. Whenever he is home - and offers to get up with the kids in the middle of the night - or first thing in the morning - they sleep until 10am!
Sippy cups - totally! Let's riot. Izzie has been in the 'drip milk on the carpet just for fun' phase for too long now.
It makes me mad that I am put so much energy and time into projects for others (admittedly, by my choice) and that without a doubt, everytime the receiver gets said gift - the first thing out of their mouths is a complaint.
I, like Megan, think I just keep a mental anger journal - it is usually updated while I am in the shower (the only quiet place in the land.) Maybe I should focus on a 'resolution' journal. Right now my anger doesn't lie with my kids - it's all about adult drama queens, no thank you - maybe a 'kick you in the butt revenge' journal? LOL

Jen V said...

Haha - all 3 sisters commented on the same post - looks like you hit a nerve!!

Marianne said...

I love it! I'm so glad we all have blogs where we can safely vent our anger to those who understand! And we don't end up hurting anybody. I hate sippy cups too!

Linda Barton said...
