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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Day, 2011, 6:53 a.m.

Just for posterity's sake, I'm recording the stocking fillers, sibling gifts, and favorite gifts we got this year.
Mia's stocking fillers: Vans Surfing Championship t-shirt (she's reading the program), cozy socks, Nike black crews, Jelly Belly Sport Beans for work outs, sports bra, lotion, gum, Ella Enchanted DVD, Raspberry-lemon Blistex, aroma pencils, feather earrings, and Rasta earphones.
Cy and Cam got rubber-band stun guns, funny glasses, gum, Nike crews, Microsoft points, and fuzzy trick worms.
Getty got lots of Axe and Old Spice deodorant, a whoopee cushion, more prank props, gum, Nike crews, aroma pencil, and an Antz DVD he wanted.

MK's is a ditto of Mia's, minus the feather earrings, DVD, and t-shirt. She got gipped.

Elle got three necklaces, three princess lip glosses, gum, and colored modeling clay.

After stockings, we started with sibling gifts. Mia got Cam a sand art project kit.

Cam got Cy wall balls, and Cy got Elle a mini pink Etch A Sketch.
MK got Getty crazy-print duct tape and Big League Chew gum.

Getty got Mia perfume.

Elle got MK a shirt.

Favorite gifts: Cy's Raven's hoodie.
MK's swimsuit. Pretty sure she'll need ten more for college in Hawaii next year...

Elle's screaming at her Justin Bieber doll...

"What's with all the clothes, Mom?"

Mia's Free Runs. MK's checking them out...

Getty's Go-Pro. Possibly the best suited gift ever.

We snuck into Megan's ward for church at 9:30 a.m., so we could get on over to Grandma's basement festivities...

Getty's prized pistachios. DO NOT TOUCH.
MK's favorite accessory.
I'm holding Elle's first bona-fide high heels. Ha! She's holding some of the cash Grandma gave all the kids.
So, I swiped Grandpa's camera thinking it was ours, so I didn't take any more photos that day. But, of course, we had a great Christmas dinner at Granny's and much more Christmas hoopla with cousins. Granny was a hit with her Seven Peaks "Pass of all Passes" for the kids.

Just to make this entry extra long and drawn out, I'll include the entire holiday vacation :) For New Year's Eve, Rob and I went to an early dinner with Megan and Scott, so we were home to let the top three go to parties. The kids watched "Smurfs" and a bit of "Series of Unfortunate Events," until Cam told me it creeped him out. At midnight, I watched the fireworks out our back windows and then went on my rounds picking up kids.

Monday night, we wrote our 2012 resolutions for family night and played our favorite rip-roaring candy bar game.

I have to say my reaction to this Christmas vacation surprised me over and over again. I can't remember enjoying myself so much for such an extended period of time. It was a total escape from schedules, and Rob was able to take extra days off to be home with us a lot. I was done with the Christmas jobs before school got out and didn't do many neighbor gifts, so I had time to play around and do whatever sounded good at the moment. And one of those was definitely to just relax at home. We all slept in every day, I read "A Thousand Splendid Suns," shopped with the girls, went to the gym together at any crazy hour of the day or night, Rob took the younger kids to the church gym to play basketball a few times, we played Bananagrams, watched movies, and ... I found out that is my version of bliss at this point in my life.

Today, it was back to real life. School, carpools, Mia on a ski day trip with her P.E. class, a primary meeting, homework, cub scouts, MK's Jr. Jazz game, and a group of YM/YW in our kitchen for an Iron Chef competition. What a difference one day can make. It's all good and fun, but I think I'm going to throw up.


Linda Barton said...

Sounds like an amazing Christmas! I's sorry I missed your call today, I'll call you in the next few so we can catch up! Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I love the list you offered of kids' gifts to each other. Max was so cute with what he gave his sibs this year....great way to make sure everyone remembers!!