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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Make-up with Mia

Admiring her lengthly list of things to do before the term ends, including attendance school for her 83 (eighty-three!) tardies....

She was voted to represent Lone Peak for Moral Strength, 2012-13.

Cousin Sarah came up with the awesome idea for the Evans' women to earn their Young Womanhood Personal Progress award by February 8th next year in Elle's honor. Mia and I had a contest to see who could get it done first—cash vs. 10 car washes, inside and out.

She won.

I'm getting there.

This is Mia doing something crazy and violent... rugby.

By the end of this particular game, she had split open the skin behind her ear, had a huge raspberry abrasion on her hip, a bloody knee, sore back, and pain shooting down her legs. Not to mention the meltdown in our car driving home....

Mia's not one to discriminate against any one brand—she'll take all sponsorship offers ;)

She choreographed a little "Stomp" for the rugby talent show fundraiser.

I was amazed to find out that our town's United rugby teams have coaches from all over the world: New Zealand, England, South Africa, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Australia. 

The main coach's father, who started rugby in Utah in the late 80's, concluded his remarks for the night by saying, "Soccer is a gentlemen's game played by hooligans. Rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen."

Random Mia Trivia:

She would text me every few days from school begging me to pick her up and take her out to lunch.

Wants to cheer for the Oregon Ducks with McKenzie.
Me: Why not cheer in Utah, so we can watch you?
MK: I could never cheer where people knew me!
(?) Must be a soccer image thing.

Me: Why U of O?
Mia: I love the rain.
(That's her whole answer.)

Mia wants to get a degree in criminology, so she can investigate homicides and gruesome crime scenes.

{Waaaaay back in October}: Sixteenth birthday at Grandma's.

Mia and Riley saw pocket-switched shirts like these on Pintrest and asked me to sew them. I haven't sewn in so long I had to get the manual out to figure out how to fill my bobbin....

I am seriously so proud of myself for pulling it off that it's embarrassing. I'm following Getty around the house, "Did you see those shirts I made?... Bet you want one, huh!...."

[Below] This is the former Abercrombie model we met at the mall whose job it was to stand shirtless in front of one of their California stores. I have since learned of the Abercrombie controversy. I'll have to think about donating my A&F sweatshirts to DI :)

School is out! The party begins...


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Gorgeous and fun! Loved learning more about Mia!

Linda Barton said...

Oregon U would be a perfect school to learn Criminology. Eugene,OR is a rough place!!