Getty said, "If I were speaking in Conference, first thing I'd do is say, 'This is for all you kids out there playing Conference Bingo: Priesthood, Temple, Prophet, Sacrament, Commandments, Faith, Holy Ghost, Prayer....'" haha
And yes, we were playing Conference bingo for (3) Hi-Chews. And Getty claimed he got "blackout" and was owed exactly 35 Hi-Chews.
My main question for Conference was this: "What more should I be doing in my life? What's my purpose in this phase?"
Elder L. Tom Perry quoted Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley:
"Women who make a house a home make a greater contribution to society than those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive corporations. Who can put a price tag on the influence a mother has on her children?
"We cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who, in their own ways, build stable family life and nurture for everlasting good the generation of the future. The decisions made by the women of this generation will be eternal in their consequences. May I suggest that the mothers of today have no greater opportunity and no more serious challenge than to do all they can to strengthen the [home]."
Then Elder Perry said, "It is my firm conviction that there has never been a period in my many years of life when our Father in Heaven's children have needed the guiding hand of faithful, devoted parents more."
I got my answer, loud and clear.
Along those lines, I was inspired to make several changes and improvements in our family life. Some of which came from the following counsel:
Elder Richard G. Scott described Family Home Evening: "Decide that on Monday night your family will be together at home for the evening." (not just an hour?) We can do better.
Elder Tad Callister mentioned the story of Ben Carson and how Ben's mother decided to only allow him to watch 3 tv programs a week and required him to read 2 books a week. Ben became a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. This suggestion happened to coincide with information I've been reading in "Outliers," so I was all over this and will figure out ways to adapt this to our family.
I had the thought to go through our library and choose books we would even pay the kids to read, like: "Jesus the Christ," "The Book of Virtues for Young People," "How to Win Friends and Influence People," "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens," Shakespeare plays, etc.
Doing family history work was a theme that stood out to me in Conference, too. Our stake president has asked every youth to index 100 names by the end of the year, so we decided to set up incentives for the kids to accomplish that goal.
... our kids love it when I get ambitious for them, ha
Elders Richard G. Scott and Tad Callister both reminded us to arm our children with family and personal prayer especially in the morning to prepare them to face the temptations and struggles of the day ahead.
Elder Scott said, "Parents, help safeguard your children by arming them morning and night with the power of family prayer. Children are bombarded every day with the evils of lust, greed, pride, and a host of other sinful behaviors. Protect your children from daily worldly influences by fortifying them with the powerful blessings that result from family prayer. Family prayer should be a nonnegotiable priority in your daily life."
Tad Callister said, "... how many of us let our children march out the front door each morning to the most dangerous of all battlefields, to face Satan and his myriad of temptations, without their spiritual breastplate and shield and sword that come from the protective power of prayer?"
Need to do better.
Elder Richard G. Scott reinforced a new family temple goal we've made when he said, "Don't let anyone or anything prevent you from being [in the temple]."
Elder Neil L. Anderson made an unusual suggestion, "Record the testimony of Joseph Smith in your own voice and then listen to it." We did that a few weeks ago in Family Night and plan to follow up with another Family Night, where the kids can listen to their recording in separate rooms and then come together to discuss it.
And I loved what Elder Jorg Klebingat recommended—that we "joyfully repent." I'm going to try that :) And teach that.
I loved President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's message,
"... for some of us, obedience to God's commandments doesn't always feel very joyful. Let's face it: there may be some that seem harder or less appealing....
"Perhaps during times such as these, we might find ourselves asking, 'Do we really need to obey all of God's commandments?'
"My response to this question is simple:
"I think God knows something we don't—things that are beyond our capacity to comprehend!"
I loved Elder Dallin H. Oaks talk, "Loving Others and Living with Differences," and David A. Bednar's talk, "Come and See," about why Mormons are so anxious to share the gospel.
General Conference never disappoints—full of powerful speakers addressing the most pressing, relevant topics of today with such insightful, motivating counsel.
You.Are.My.Hero. Just keep being you, and I will try to keep learning because you are awesome. I love you.
I never comment on posts but this one I can't resist. It was fabulous! Thanks for the recap!
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