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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Christmas Eve, 2016

Christmas cookie baking...

Christmas picture taking...

Christmas face making...

Christmas nap taking...

Christmas merry making...

Traditional Christmas Eve Minute-to-Win-It games
(I found these ideas on Pinterest at birthdaypartyideas4kids)

"Christmas Antlers
Pantyhose / balloons (not inflated)

Split players into two or three teams and give each team a bag of balloons and a pair of pantyhose. The teams must blow up balloons and stuff them into pair of pantyhose. When the team feels their pantyhose antlers are complete, one person from the team puts on the pantyhose. The team with the best antlers wins!" 

Team ONE:

Team TWO:


Runners up

"Holiday Pie  
Whipped cream, red pompom balls
Separate the players into two to four teams and designate one player from each team to be ‘it.’ The chosen player gets whipped cream spread over his/her face. The team members then have one minute to throw as many red pompoms as they can onto the person’s face with the whipped cream. The team who gets the most pompoms to stick on their team member’s face in one minute wins."

Winners: MK and Getty

"Catch a Kiss
Wrapped Hershey’s kisses

Split players into teams of two. Make the players in the teams stand ten feet apart and give one player from each team a small bowl of wrapped holiday chocolate kisses. The player with the kisses must unwrap a kiss and throw it so that his/her partner can catch it in his/her mouth. The team that catches the most kisses after one minute wins!"

Winners: Mia and Cy

"Christmas Oreo Stack
Oreos, bowls, popsicle sticks (optional)

Give players a bowl full of Oreos and see who can make the highest stack of Oreos in a minute. The player’s stack must stay upright for five seconds to win! You can make this even more difficult by having players put a popsicle stick in their mouths and make their stack on the end of the stick."

Getty won this one... check it out

"Shoveling Snow
Paper bowls, spoons, cotton balls, blindfolds

Supply each player with an empty bowl, spoon, ten cotton balls, and a blindfold.

Blindfold the players and give them one minute to transfer the cotton balls into the empty bowl using the spoon. No peeking!"

Mia won this one

 Final Scores

Prizes: Cash 💵 and treats we have 
never/rarely tried before...

MK leaping like a reindeer...

Mia: 1st place
Cherry Limeade soda

Getty: 2nd place

Caramel Creme soda and a Chick-O-Stick

Cy, MK, and Oveth tied for 3rd place

MacFuddy's Pepper Elixir and Butterscotch Root Beer

Cam got 4th place. (As usual, he refused to let us even things out by spotting him a few points.)

Sarsaparilla and a Spud

We passed the Huckleberry soda and Ginger Root Beer around with mixed reviews
LOOK! bars 😋
Huckleberry gems 😝

Mahdi came home a little late to the party but was quick to zip on his Christmas jammies

These two are always looking for ways to make people smile. This time they secretly delivered homemade Nativity pieces and treats to us for the Twelve Days of Christmas 💖

Loved this Christmas Eve!

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