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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Triple Threat

Getty started out Halloween morning saying stubbornly, "I'm not dressing up for school." We made a $5 bet that everyone in his class would be dressed up. He changed into his clone trooper costume and had me paint his face. (I lost the bet—Conner owes me $5!). When we all went trunk-or-treating that night, Getty changed into a skeleton costume and insisted on staying in the trunk to scare all the little Disney characters who dared ask for a treat. MK and Mia climbed aboard after they were done running the parking lot and kindly offered candy to the toddlers and such, which sent Getty through the roof, "All I wanted was to scare kids, and YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Howling ensues. Afterwords, the big kids decided to hit up the neighborhood in the rain. This required a third makeover, a Geek costume. Nine gallons of candy later, Halloween is over. Better start planning wardrobe for next year....


Brit H. said...

Too bad that Get could never be a geek. He is such a stud! I am glad that you guys had a great Halloween!

Hacking Highlights said...

He's too cute to be a geek! Now if you'd left him in that bowl cut....just kidding