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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Family Night theme: Resolutions, 2010
A few of our goals:

"Social—get out of my circle
Physical—work on my shot and a move" [soccer]

“Make track team and dance company
Give people hugs [currently averse]
Speak in public better” 

“read my scriptures every night 
finish my Faith in God 
be a good egsample 
say thank you more 
learn how to break dance 
learn more alderbra”
[Didn't see that list comin'. Getty's full of surprises. See why he's one of my six favorite kids?]

“Go to the park! 
Helping with Dad! 
Go to the Carnibal!” 

[Mom's goals for] Elle 
Ditch my red-tagged blankies 
Board the potty train 
Graduate to my big girl bed that I pretend isn’t sitting in my room all cozied up for me 

“eat a froot every day
I want to do Sunday Stashins [Stations] 
4 in grads 
make noow frens” 
[and may I add, no more night terrors] 

Maintain family scripture schedule
Maintain temple attendance goal
Remember morning prayers
Do Scout calling with a great big toothy grin on your face
Build nutrition into snacks
Early to bed, early to rise. This is the year to alter your body clock permanently!
Attend at least a day or two of BYU Education Week
Create unique memories during Mama Mondays
Incorporate more testimony in "Evans Edition" family journal

Read 'Mere Christianity'
Finish MBA
Ask kids often, "WWJD"?


Linda Barton said...

Good luck with that! I'm impressed you are to the "maintain" stage!~

Brit H. said...

That there is a good darn post!