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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Evans-side Family Weekend Getaway

Tube train!

A perfect day on the slopes.

Smasher and the M&Ms.

Grandpa was NOT interested in taking grandma on a gentle, sight-seeing tour. "Hold on to your bonnet, Darling!"

Cam flew down the mountain Bat-Cam style. I think he had the most fun of everyone—and we all had a party. We actually lost track of Cam and Soda for awhile, but no worries...they were either riding the sledhill or making their way up it on the tow rope. They didn't waste any time wandering around looking for hot cocoa.

Cy gives pointers on proper racing technique for busting the fence at the end of the runway. Jordan and Uncle Scott (and Wolfie) and are all ears. Fence busted, mission accomplished.

Cy hucking snowballs at me on the tow rope.

Uncle Scott "owns" this mountain. Seriously. Ok, not seriously, but you knowutimean.

Wicked-awesome snow hat. Creepy up close.



Marianne said...

So fun! Where did you go to do that?

Mia said...

Soldier Hollow in Midway. There's also Gorgoza Park in Park City. Same thing. FUN!

Carrie said...

My Mark has a pattern for that wicked awesome snow hat but is lacking the coyote to become it. Looks like way fun. Mark's family went to sledding there once (when I was pregnant) and they had a great time.

Kersten said...

That looks like so much fun! My little Sierra keeps telling me she want to go sledding.