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Monday, April 4, 2011

The Shiz

MK has a talent, nay a gift for shooting the ball at half-court. Blindly. Standing with her back to the hoop. Arching her back as she hurls it granny-style. Whoosh. Not every time, but give her three tries, and she's golden. She's an anomaly. An oddity. A veritable kook. In her words, "The Shiz." (Is she cussing?) Oh, I know—it's a reference to Shiz in the Book of Mormon, "Who can stand before the army of Shiz? Behold, he sweepeth the earth before him!" and the fact that after he had his head "smitten" off, "that Shiz raised up on his hands".... Now that's a pretty picture. The Shiz man. That must be it. (I just asked MK, and she laughed at me. Oh well.)

BTW, Rob thinks the new teen slang word should be "zesty," as in "You've got a zesty shot there."
Oh, he's serious alright.

1 comment:

Brit H. said...

MK- awesome. Ren- love the BOM reference. Rob-hilarious.