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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween, 2011

I love this boy and his brilliant ideas :)

MK saw a gorilla riding a bike as she drove down the road on Halloween. She watched him for a second, and he waved. Forgetting that she's got on her own costume, which makes her look pretty convincing as a regular guy, she did her full-out enthusiastic girlie wave !!! :) :) :)
That must've given the gorilla pause.
The elementary kids were taught some choreography to "Thriller" to perform as a flash mob during the parade, and Mia's dance company's flash mob during lunch at the middle school was a hit.
Mia and friends were "Party Rockers." Only problem was, the acronym for the band who sings, "Every Day I'm Shufflin" stands for a couple of bad words. Thus, the duct tape. But, now that I'm looking at her hemline and her leggings, which could pass for tights...whoa! We missed the boat entirely! Pfffff...
The Jemmett's haunted dark tunnel, hosted by an 9-foot tall stringy-haired skeleton in a black gown wasn't enough to intimidate our lil pirate zombie. Cam jumped out of the car and ran over with Getty and friends, while Cy, who had settled in my backseat looked on in horror, realizing that now that his little brother might show him up in the bravery department, he'd better cowboy up and head on over.
My plan for Elle was for her to be Smurfette, but I don't have a say in such things :)

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