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Monday, May 6, 2013

Grandma Is Leaving Us

Marie has always been the kind of mother-in-law and grandma I hope to be when I grow up. I always felt she approved of me and the wife and mother I am. Her grandkids are important to her, and they know it. She has a great love for each one. She'd much rather chat with them about Barbies and basketball and go on their treasure hunts than discuss doctrine or current events with the adults.

For more than 22 years, she has had all the extended family over for Sunday dinner twice a month. We would play games, cards, Bocce, frisbee, pass the football, walk the bridges, feed the horses, and celebrate all the birthdays and holidays together.

She insisted on doing almost all of the food and dishes, because she was afraid one day she'd be too old and sickly, and we girls would have to take a turn.

Well, her hospice nurse has given her about a week to live, so she has decided to take half a Tylenol and keep on supervising family dinners.

She is irreplaceable, and our extended family will never be the same.

I noticed tears in her eyes as she watched her grandkids squish together on the hospital room loveseat. She said, "I'm just thinking how I'll miss sending them on their missions and seeing them marry in the temple."

Mia standing at attention.
Three generations of Evans men.

Grandma asked Cam all about school and soccer.
"Getty, if Grandma doesn't make it, be a good boy and go on your mission."

These two talked forever about "just stuff." MK said, "Grandma is the funniest lady with the biggest heart."
To Cy, Grandma said, "Hello Mr. Nike. How's basketball? Keep up on those moves. Next thing you know you'll be dunkin' on those hoops. Keep up the good work."
Cy explained how he's pretty sure he's the most awesome basketball player on the planet (or something to that effect :) We tease him. I always tell him it's ok to brag to the family.
"Mia, remember how important you are and how important you are to Heavenly Father. I love you, Sweetheart."
Mia loves this picture because she can see her evil twin in the window.

Father and sons

When Marie got her cancer diagnosis 2 1/2 years ago, one of my biggest regrets was that Elle (who was 2) wouldn't remember her grandma like the other kids would. Then, the day before Elle's accident, Marie got news that her cancer had temporarily remitted.

Months later, Marie's cancer returned and was pronounced terminal. Just yesterday, as we visited her at home in bed, McKenzie told her she felt that Elle is waiting for her.

I am anxious for them to be reunited. There's no one I'd rather Elle be with in Rob's and my absence than her grandma.


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

What a lovely, loving woman. She has paradise right around the corner. No more pain, no more tears. xoxo hugs to your family.

Cindy said...

Now I can't stop crying. She is the most amazing grandmother. What are we going to do without her? You have some great pictures of her Lorenne. I'm going to have to get some from you. She would always say to me that she didn't want her picture taken and so I wouldn't. I'm glad you did anyway! Elle will get to know her possibly better than any of the other grandkids now. I'm quite sure there are lots of people (including Elle) on the other side anxiously awaiting her arrival. The hardest part for me is that Ni isn't old enough to remember her. Hurts my heart to think of what he will be missing. We have all been very blessed to have her in our lives.

Jacqui said...

Without fail, your blog makes me cry. What a beautiful, luminous woman Rob's mom is. I remember we were out to dinner when Rob got the news, just eating sushi on a weekend night. This past year I've really struggled with the idea of pain and why we have to go through the things we do in life. I know your struggles are more raw, and I so appreciate and value your perspective. God bless you this week. I am glad Elle will have her grandma to chat with and watch over as your kids dunk basketballs, go on missions, and becoming the next generation of awesome people.