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Friday, May 17, 2013

She's Back!


"How has college life changed you?" I asked.

"I am more myself than I have ever been. I've learned so much about who I am, and I am more likely to be open with people instead of holding back."
[In Grandma's chair] M&M picked up where they left off.
So, after MK settled in, I got word that she was telling people she was bored in Utah. All her friends have left or are leaving on missions. Plus, kinda hard to compete with this:

Back in Utah: the Fab in MK's temporary bedroom. Two are leaving soon on their missions to Honolulu, Hawaii (what are the chances?!), and Argentina. MK decided to get two years of soccer in before mission considerations.
The Fab and their friends are still up to their old tricks—up all night, playing tricks on each other, running around the neighborhood screaming, playing t-ball past midnight, watching the meteor shower in sleeping bags on the tramp...

Even when they were an ocean apart, they found a way to keep the 5 Forever.

Since MK's social life has pretty much been running the show around here, Rob sent her this text (and yes, texting is our primary form of communication with her ;)—

Somehow the text was sent to Getty, who responded:

MK's plans for the summer:

Nanny full-time for the Smith's.

Hang with friends half the night as often as possible.

Assist her BYU-H coach in running RSL soccer camps.

Do her off-season training workouts 6 days/wk.

Love you, MK! How did we ever do without you?!

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