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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Resolutions: Past and Present

Ringing in 2015, I mostly thought,  One more year I've lived without Elle. Forty-seven left to go.... (I'm not slated to die until age 95)

As a family we've had a tradition of looking back at the past year and recording favorites and trends and then making goals for the year ahead. This year after we were done, I looked through the kids' goal binders and thought I'd mention some of their responses (with permission)


Favorite Books: "Hunger Games and A Thousand Splendid Suns"
Social Goals: "Go out of circle, don't be afraid to meet new people, confident (no sweat :)" I'd say she's met that goal.

Best Friends: "Fab 5, PG Boys, Lucy, Sneetches, Football Boys"

Greatest Personal Accomplishment: "Chase Handsome ;)" haha (—he "liked" her :)

Favorite Books: "?"
Intellectual Goal: "GRADUATE and Finish strong" Not sure how she'll do that without reading....


"don't be so demanding"

"be mature for cell phone"

"offer to make lunch for kids or get Elle ready for the day"

Greatest Personal Accomplishment: "getting through this year happy"

 Fake happy...
Happy happy

We must have been waiting on some of the other kids, because I found this scribbled over and over in Mia's goal binder: 

"I hate wasting time. 
My name is Mia and I hate wasting time. 
I'm gonna die. 
Please help. 


Favorite Books: "haven't read any" hmmmm
Fashion Trends: "beanies, ripped jeans, joggers, leggings, converse"
Best Friends: "Olivia, Aubrie, Malone, Micah, Linds, Cam, Daniel-ish"
Physical Goal: "gym every day"

Spiritual Goals: "read scrips every day, prayers m/n, read conference talks, index"


"Learn how to break dance" 

 "eat one fruit a day"

"I would like to have a testimony of the church of Jesus Christ. And to have better friends and good relationship with family"


"Ride a dirt bike
Learn all about the go cart and new things: how to clean it/fix it/fill the gas
Finish a book evry week —huh?
Comb my hair evry day"
 Good idea


Spiritual Goals: "scriptures every night and build my own testimony"


Greatest Personal Challenge: "too much competitiveness"
Physical Goal: "beat my career high points in a game." career ;)

Favorite Books: "NONE" see a family trend here?
Fashion Trends: "button-ups, converse, joggers, sweaters, and swooped over hair"


Greatest Personal Accomplishment: "sang in Primary" 
(singing "Away in a Manger" for Christmas Eve)

Best Family Event/Activity: "Going to Orange Leaf" (frozen yogurt)

Favorite Song(s)/Group(s): "Pump up music"

Favorite Books: "Clementine series"

Greatest Personal Challenge: "thinking about elle"


Spiritual Goal: "Kigatsuku (Japanese for self-motivated goodness)

Be fearless in facing challenges

Be thankful in all things—key to happiness"

Favorite Song(s)/Group(s): "Happy" —Pharrell Williams

Favorite Book(s): 
"Child Whisperer" —Carol Tuttle 
I'm obsessed with this book

"Lighten Up" —Cheiko Okasaki 
A refreshing (and to me, surprising) perspective

"Proof of Heaven"—Eben Alexander, MD 
Rob absolutely loved this book, too

"Outliers" —Malcolm Gladwell 
A new take on the determinants of success

"Yearning for the Living God" —Enzio Busche 
Spiritual nutrition

Spiritual Experiences: "Fasting helps!!"

Biggest Personal Accomplishment: "tried many new recipes and not grieving 24/7"

Biggest Personal Challenge: "Learning to feel cheerful through prolonged stress."

Best Family Event/Activity: "Cali trip, watching Sound of Music"


Favorite Movie(s)/Actor(s): "The King's Speech"

Spiritual Goals: "Being more proactive in loving others"

Favorite Book(s): "David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism"

Spiritual Experiences: "Being good about Elle"

Best Family Event/Activity: "Ping pong"

To sum up, our goal is to find a happy medium in the agony and the ecstasy of raising our zingy kids. 

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

Your family exudes awesomeness in a way that words cannot describe. If I gave you my kids for a few years could you teach them about goal setting and the things I'm not teaching?
Love you so much!!