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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Valentine's Day

Sneak balloon attack for Rob at work

6th grade Valentine's dance

I think Cy had fun?

 "Best friend" Ellie

Cutting in

favorite song is starting...

 mosh pit


Valentine's "Dinner with Fire"—thanks to Linda, whose tradition we stole ;)
Look how small our family is!?! Cy was at a cabin with a friend, but STILL!


Linda Barton said...

We didn't do dinner with fire this year! It was just Jason, Brent and me. I'm glad you are still doing it:)

Jen V said...

"What other man goes grocery shopping with his wife every week" DAD! Mom and Dad went grocery shopping every Saturday together - how cute is that. Patrick and I will make the occasional Costco trip together but every week? Nah. And I go to the grocery store at least 3 x a week...