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Friday, August 28, 2015

No possible way Getty is 16

2:00 a.m. Kidnappers burst through Getty's bedroom door, stuffed a sock in his mouth, tied his wrists and ankles, wrapped him in a hammock to blind him, threw him in the trunk of a car, and took off. Destination: iHOP.

It could have been worse. Their original plan was to knock down the door, guns blazing (paintball guns filled with CO2). But during the trial run, they decided against it, as it would likely wake up the neighborhood.

Johnny, Stirling, Ashdon, Jake (the kidnappers)

Check out Stirling (far right) haha

 Synchronized back flips

 Cute party crashers :)

Sis Jamison (favorite!) remembered his birthday in Sunday School

This is his plan for his first official date:

Make homemade pizzas
Go bridge jumping
Go off-roading
Go to a movie

Sixteen Things I Love About Getty
1. Capacity for fun is in the stratosphere
2. Huge heart, especially for the underdog, the disabled, or the friendless
3. Unlimited energy
4. Gobs of charisma
5. Gads of charm
6. Respectful and protective of girls
7. Can easily figure out how to fix stuff around the house, his dirtbike, go-kart....
8. Smart with technology
9. Crazy brave (i.e. dangerous)
10. Mostly feels optimistic and that things will work out 
11. Doesn't sweat the small stuff
12. Prefers "nerds" to "jocks"
13. Definitely creative
14. Hops into bed between Rob and I late at night and watches "Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives" or "Law & Order"
15. Can turn any activity into a game
16. Can make any game twice as exciting

And then there are those times when his high energy and sense of adventure go too far, and he gets grounded on a Friday night. Rob and I go on our date, and he duct-tapes Cy and Cam's wrists and ankles together, tickle-tortures them, and locks them out of the house until we get home....

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