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Friday, February 5, 2016

Elle Day, 2016: Winter Wonder-Fun

It's our new Elle Day tradition—Winter Wonder-Fun. 
I sent the agenda to the kids:

 (Took me a half-hour to craft that text... :)

We checked the kids out early from school and headed for our favorite ice rink in Heber

Freeze Tag (Getty always wins)
 Sliding Contests (Getty always wins) 


Ice Capades in her spare time  

No harm done, but then...

Cam started screaming for water when he fell. 
Water? I wondered if he had a concussion and was delusional...

...until he told me the last time he got hurt at recess the nurse gave him some water, and it calmed him right down :)

MK is actually sliding in the opposite direction of Getty's running jump. 
That was the first and last time they got to perform that one.


Getty dragged MK and Cy around at top speed 

Next up, the Crater!

Twenty degrees outside and ninety degrees in the Crater's natural hot spring





Snacked on some serious pastries

Then the Ice Castles







Stuck the landing :)





Pizza Pie for dinner and then we all crashed.

Except for Getty... who snuck out for a Beto's (Mexican food) run with friends after curfew. The Sheriff was kind enough to call at 2:00 a.m. and let me know, along with curfew violation, that Getty's friend had gotten a minor traffic violation and that Getty will be home shortly.


1 comment:

Cade and Kelsie said...

Looks like a great way to honor your beautiful girl!